Learning at




СʪƵ Houses

СʪƵ utilises the traditional house system. There are ten houses – all with their own identity, mascot and colour.

Austin House

House Leader: Peter McMahon

Color: Green
Mascot: Panther

Austin house is named after Brother Austin Somers – Founding Principal of СʪƵ.

Brother Austin was the first Superior of the new foundation of Brothers in Kilmore in 1893, and headmaster from 1893 – 1897.

Damian House

House Leader: Kaitlyn Wilson

Color: Dark blue
Mascot: Dragon

Damian House is named after Brother Damian Willis, Principal from 1944 – 1949.

Brother Damian was a young, energetic and disciplined teacher. He was popular among students and staff, with a reputation as a shrewd and vigorous coach of the First XVIII.

Frayne House

House Leaders: Amanda Hadjiloukas and Joshua Eid

Color: Red
Mascot: Bear

Frayne House is named after Sister Ursula Frayne, the founding Principal of the Academy of Mary Immaculate (AMI).

Sister Ursula crossed the world by sailing ship to support the struggling minority of her Celtic clan – and discovered another group of people more severely dispossessed than her own in newly colonised Australia.

Hilary House

House Leader: Ethan Gorski

Color: White
Mascot: Shark

Hilary House is named after Brother Hilary Conroy, Principal from 1937 – 1942.

Brother Hilary guided students and staff through a difficult time for the world – the Second World War. He was given a civic farewell and went on to become Provincial, and then Assistant General of the Marist Brothers.


House Leader: Nathan Holmes

Color: Black
Mascot: Cockatoo (Ngarna)

Gerrabinon is the Taungurung word for ‘family’ or ‘kin’. Since Family Spirit is one of the core values of СʪƵ, Gerrabinon is an inspirational and aspirational name for one of our Houses, honouring the language of our local peoples. One of the sacred animals of our region is the Black Cockatoo (Ngarna).

We thank the Taungurung people for the privilege of being given permission to use these two words.

La Valla House

House Leader: Alexander Langdon

Color: Purple
Mascot: Griffin

La Valla House is named after the location of Saint Marcellin Champagnat’s first school.

Saint Marcellin's first posting was as curate to the parish of LaValla-en-Gier. Distressed at the village’s isolation, he started a primary school between 1917 and 1824 which was also used as a teacher training centre – the birthplace of the Marist Brothers!


House Leader: Anthony Poppa

Color: Brown
Mascot: Kangaroo

Saint Mary MacKillop, Australia’s Saint was a remarkable woman. She gathered and formed young women into a religious order named in honour of St Joseph (the Josephites).

She responded to the vast needs of rural communities by providing leadership and teachers to form Catholic schools. From tiny villages to larger towns, the Brown Joey’s (so named because their religious habits were brown), educated thousands of rural Australians (and still do so today).

Marcellin House

House Leader: Benjamin Egan

Color: Yellow
Mascot: Eagle

Marcellin House is named after St Marcellin, the founder of the Marist Brothers Order.

St Marcellin was born in the village of Le Rosey near Lyons in 1789 during a time of religious, political, economic and social unrest. He wanted others to have the faith development and happiness of home life he had experienced.

Marian House

House Leader: Sarah Sekfy

Color: Light Blue
Mascot: Horse

Marian house is named after Mary, our good mother.

St Marcellin and a group of seminarians discussed forming a religious order under the patronage of Mary, the mother of Jesus. They dedicated themselves to her as ‘The Society Blessed Virgin Mary’, commonly called the Marist fathers.

McAuley House

House Leader: Christopher Pennycook

Color: Orange
Mascot: Lion

McAuley House is named after Catherine McAuley, founder of the Mercy Sisters Order.

Inspired by her father’s compassion for the poor, Catherine McAuley founded the Mercy Sisters Order. At the time of her death in 1841, there were 150 Sisters of Mercy. Today, there are over 6200 sisters worldwide organised into independent congregations.

Learning Leaders

Learning Domain                            Learning Leaders

Arts (Performing)                                Casey Raeside & Kate Osborne

Arts (Visual)                                          Casey Raeside & Georgia Burns

English                                                  Elisa Colaluca & Georgia Burns

Health & PE                                         Tim Girgin & Victoria Burns

Humanities                                         Hilary Tieri & Matt Downie

Languages                                          Damian Quinn & Elisa Colaluca

Mathematics                                     Hilary Tieri & Kate Todorovic

Religious Education                        Damian Quinn & Matthew Downie

Science                                               Kate Todorovic & Victoria Burns

Technology                                        Kate Osborne & Tim Girgin

Learning Mentors

СʪƵ students have access to learning mentors via the LMG (learning mentor group) system. This system ensures students receive the guidance and support necessary to thrive and achieve their goals.

Learning Mentor Groups are organised under СʪƵ’s houses. Each house supports multiple groups, ensuring students have fluid access to resources and mentors’ time.

Learning Mentor Discussions happen twice yearly, using NAPLAN, PAT, and internal data for individualised discussions about growth, subject choices and possible pathways. Learning Mentors and families discuss Student Learning Goals and Reflections on end of Semester Reports.