Assumption Shield
Course Builder
The course builder allows you to put in your selections, so that you have a snapshot of your learning for the following year. Once complete, you can take a screenshot to save your selections.
– Year 8

Students currently in Year 1 of myMAP entering Year 2 (Year 8) need to follow the steps outlined below when selecting subjects.

Step 1: Mathematics

In myMAP students will study Mathematics for the whole year. Please select the colour of Mathematics that corresponds with your year level (e.g, White Mathematics in Year 8) unless you are applying to accelerate.

PLEASE NOTE that if an additional Mathematics from the myMAP options is desired, students can note their selection in step 6.

Preference 1

Step 2:

Students are automatically enrolled in the myBeing program aimed at promoting the development of each individual across a range of areas including social and emotional health, learning to learn and vocational pathways.

Preference 2

Step 3: English

For all students in myMAP one subject needs to be chosen from a core subject road for a year of study. This means that a student currently in Year 7 needs to select one of these for study in the next academic year.

PLEASE NOTE that students can elect to do additional English subjects from myMAP and selected in Step 5.

Preference 3

Step 4: Religious Education

Each student will select one Religious Education elective to complete over one semester throughout the year.

PLEASE NOTE that students can elect to do additional Religious Education subjects across myMAP in Step 5.

Preference 4

Step 5: science

Each student will select one Science elective to complete over one semester throughout the year. This can be a subject from the Science domain, or any subject that has a smaller Science icon, indicating that it is cross–curricular.

PLEASE NOTE that students can elect to do additional Science subjects across myMAP in Step 6.

Preference 5

Step 6:


Preference 6
Preference 7
Preference 8
Preference 9
Preference 10
Preference 11

Reserve Preferences

Reserve 1
Reserve 2
Reserve 3

Additional Information

Ifyou wish to do a subject that is suitable for study in one or two semesters, the name of the subject in Web Preferences clearly identifies this. For example, if students would like to complete High-Performance Basketball, they may select for a semester or High-Performance Basketball year long.

Select both options across two electives to indicate you wish to do a full year study of this subject. You are required to select 9 options in order of preference. (Preferences 6-14.) You will be allocated 6 of these preferences. The remaining 3 are your reserves.

Student details

Enter your name below and press 'screenshot' to generate a screenshot.

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– Year 9

Students currently in Year 2 of myMAP entering Year 3 (Year 9) need to follow the steps outlined below when selecting subjects.

Step 1: Mathematics

In myMAP students will study Mathematics for the whole year. Please select the colour of Mathematics that corresponds with your year level (e.g, White Mathematics in Year 8) unless you are applying to accelerate.

PLEASE NOTE that if an additional Mathematics from the myMAP options is desired, students can note their selection in step 6.

Preference 1

Step 2:

Students are automatically enrolled in the myBeing program aimed at promoting the development of each individual across a range of areas including social and emotional health, learning to learn and vocational pathways.

Preference 2

Step 3: English

For all students in myMAP one subject needs to be chosen from a core subject road for a year of study. This means that a student currently in Year 7 needs to select one of these for study in the next academic year.

PLEASE NOTE that students can elect to do additional English subjects from myMAP and selected in Step 5.

Preference 3

Step 4: Religious Education

Each student will select one Religious Education elective to complete over one semester throughout the year.

PLEASE NOTE that students can elect to do additional Religious Education subjects across myMAP in Step 5.

Preference 4

Step 5: science

Each student will select one Science elective to complete over one semester throughout the year. This can be a subject from the Science domain, or any subject that has a smaller Science icon, indicating that it is cross–curricular.

PLEASE NOTE that students can elect to do additional Science subjects across myMAP in Step 6.

Preference 5

Step 6:


Preference 6
Preference 7
Preference 8
Preference 9
Preference 10
Preference 11

Reserve Preferences

Reserve 1
Reserve 2
Reserve 3

Additional Information

If you wish to do a subject that is suitable for study in one or two semesters, the name of the subject in Web Preferences clearly identifies this. For example, if students would like to complete High-Performance Basketball, they may select for a semester or High-Performance Basketball year long.

Select both options across two electives to indicate you wish to do a full year study of this subject. You are required to select 9 options in order of preference. (Preferences 6-11).  You will be allocated 7 of these preferences).

Student details

Enter your name below and press 'screenshot' to generate a screenshot.

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– Year 10

Students currently in Year 3 of myMAP entering Year 4 (Year 10) need to follow the steps outlined below when selecting subjects.

Step 1: Mathematics

In myMAP students will study Mathematics for the whole year. Please select the colour of Mathematics that corresponds with your year level (e.g, White Mathematics in Year 8) unless you are applying to accelerate.

PLEASE NOTE that if an additional Mathematics from the myMAP options is desired, students can note their selection in step 6.

If selecting the elective ‘Pre-Mathematical Methods’ please note that this is a full year course and must be completed in conjunction with Mathematics in both Semester 1 and 2.

Preference 1

Step 2:

Students are automatically enrolled in the myBeing program aimed at promoting the development of each individual across a range of areas including social and emotional health, learning to learn and vocational pathways.

Preference 2

Step 3: English

For all students in myMAP one subject needs to be chosen from a core subject road for a year of study. This means that a student currently in Year 7 needs to select one of these for study in the next academic year.

PLEASE NOTE that students can elect to do additional English subjects from myMAP and selected in Step 5.

Preference 3

Step 4: Religious Education

Each student will select one Religious Education elective to complete over one semester throughout the year.

PLEASE NOTE that students can elect to do additional Religious Education subjects across myMAP in Step 5.

Preference 4

Step 5: science

Each student will select one Science elective to complete over one semester throughout the year. This can be a subject from the Science domain, or any subject that has a smaller Science icon, indicating that it is cross–curricular.

PLEASE NOTE that students can elect to do additional Science subjects across myMAP in Step 6.

Preference 5

Step 6:


Preference 6
Preference 7
Preference 8
Preference 9
Preference 10
Preference 11

Reserve Preferences

Reserve 1
Reserve 2
Reserve 3

Additional Information

If you wish to do a subject that is suitable for study in one or two semesters, the name of the subject in Web Preferences clearly identifies this. For example, if students would like to complete High-Performance Basketball, they may select for a semester or High-Performance Basketball year long.

Select both options across two electives to indicate you wish to do a full year study of this subject. You are required to select 9 options in order of preference. (Preferences 6-11.) You will be allocated 6 of these preferences. The remaining 3 are your reserves.

±Ê³¢·¡´¡³§·¡Ìý±·°¿°Õ·¡ if you are applying to accelerate into aVCE Units 1&2 subject, this should be entered at preferences 6 and 7 below.

Student details

Enter your name below and press 'screenshot' to generate a screenshot.

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– Year 11 VCE

Students currently in Year 4 of myMAP (Year 10) and entering Year 11 need to follow the steps outlined when selecting subjects.

Step 1:

Students are automatically enrolled in the myBeing program aimed at promoting the development of each individual across a range of areas including social and emotional health, learning to learn and vocational pathways.

Preference 1

Step 2: English

Add your selection for VCE English.

Preference 2

Students can select an additional sequence of any of these options for study. This can be done during step 3.

Step 3: VCE/VET Subject selection

You will need to choose 5 subjects to study alongside English and myBeing. Add your selections below and include two reserve options

Preference 3
Preference 4
Preference 5
Preference 6
Preference 7

Reserve Preferences

Reserve 1
Reserve 2

Student details

Enter your name below and press 'screenshot' to generate a screenshot.

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– Year11 VCE-VM/VPC

Students currently in Year 4 of myMAP (Year 10) and entering Year 11 need to follow the steps outlined when selecting subjects.

Step 1:

Students are automatically enrolled in the myBeing program aimed at promoting the development of each individual across a range of areas including social and emotional health, learning to learn and vocational pathways.

Preference 1

Step 2: Literacy or English

Add your preferred selection below.

Preference 2

Students can select an additional sequence of any of these options for study. This can be done during step 3.

Step 3: Numeracy or maths

Add your preferred selection below.

Preference 3

Step 4: Personal development skills

Add your preferred selection below.

Preference 4

Step 5: Work Related Skills

Add your preferred selection below.

Any VET Course (in the lines or full day), Including Interal VETs Media, Sport and Rec etc. OR External or Full Day VETs (Animal Studies, Hospitality, Drones) plus those off campus.

Preference 5

Step 6: VET/SBAT

Choose any Units 1/2 Subject VET/SBAT

Complete Choice 1 only if you are undertaking an external or full day VET. 1 subject if they are doing an external or full day VET.

Choice 1

Step 7: VET/VCE

Choose any Units 1/2 Subject VET/VCE

Complete Choice 1 only if you are undertaking an external or full day VET. 1 subject if they are doing an external or full day VET.

Choice 2

Student details

Enter your name below and press 'screenshot' to generate a screenshot.

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– Year 12 VCE

Students currently in Year 11 and entering Year 12 need to follow the steps outlined when selecting subjects.

Step 1:

Students are automatically enrolled in the myBeing program aimed at promoting the development of each individual across a range of areas including social and emotional health, learning to learn and vocational pathways.

Preference 1

Step 2: STUDY

Students are automatically enrolled in Study.

Step 3: English

Add your preferred selection below.

Preference 2

Step 4: VCE/VET Subject selection

Add your preferred selection below.

Preference 3
Preference 4
Preference 5
Preference 6

Reserve Preferences

Reserve 1
Reserve 2

Student details

Enter your name below and press 'screenshot' to generate a screenshot.

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– Year 12 VCE-VM/VPC

Students currently in Year 11 and entering Year 12 need to follow the steps outlined when selecting subjects.

Step 1:

Students are automatically enrolled in the myBeing program aimed at promoting the development of each individual across a range of areas including social and emotional health, learning to learn and vocational pathways.

Preference 1

Step 2: Literacy or English

Add your preferred selection below.

Preference 2

Step 3: Numeracy or Maths

Add your preferred selection below.

Preference 3

Step 4: Personal Development Skills

Add your preferred selection below.

Preference 4

Step 5: Work Related Skills

Add your preferred selection below.

Preference 5

Step 6: VET/SBAT

Any VET Course (in the lines or full day), Including Interal VETs Media, Sport and Rec etc. OR External or Full Day VETs (Animal Studies, Hospitality, Drones) plus those off campus.

Preference 6

Student details

Enter your name below and press 'screenshot' to generate a screenshot.

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Assumption Shield
Learning at Assumption
Learning Domain Guide
To see the guide, please view on desktop or expand your browser width.