The myMAP subjects displayed here will assist students preparing for their senior certificate. Each ‘road’ leads to one or more ‘destinations’. For example, if a student wishes to study English Language at VCE, there is an English Language dark blue offering that is designed specifically for this subject.

Students select options that are best suited for them. Students do not have to complete every subject in a road nor are there prerequisites for entry into a particular option. For example, a student who studies a white option in year 2 of myMAP could enter a light blue in year 3 of myMAP. Each student will form their own path over their journey.

Literature through Time
Society and control
Whose story is this to tell?
Whose story is this to tell?
Encountering Conflict
Call to Adventure
The Power
of words
Lands and Peoples
Young People and the Environment
Young People and Their Rights
Perception vs Reality
Justice and Morality
Identity and Experience
Passion and Pursuit
Life as we know it
Young People Building Resilience
Young People  facing Adversity
Cinema Studies
Creative Writing
Women in Writing
Who done it?
Literacy for Life
Literature through Time
Poetry and
Linguistics of English
Assumption Shield
Learning at Assumption
Learning Domain Guide
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