Senior Pathways Overview

Students in the senior pathway years (Year 11 and 12) have several options.

Option 1 is to Study the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Scored Academic Pathway.

Option 2 is to Study the Vocational Major (VCE-VM)

Option 3 Completing VCE units without calculation of a study score (unscored VCE). This includes specified modifications to suit personalised learning needs and/or pathways.

Option 4 Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) is to study based on personalised learning needs, parallel to the Vocational Major. This requires documented support from the personalised learning team.

VCE may include a combination of the following:

  • VCE units

  • VET units

  • SBAT

  • Accelerated Studies and University Extension Studies

  • VCE-VM units (PDS and WRS)

VCE-VM may include a combination of:

  • VET units

  • SBAT

  • WRS

  • PDS

  • VCE-VM Numeracy

  • VCE-VM Literacy

  • VCE units

Students in the senior pathway years (Year 11 and 12) have several options.

In Year 11, students choose an English and 5 other subjects (4 subjects plus a study may be an appropriate option).

In Year 12, students choose an English and 4 other subjects.

Their choices can include;

  • 4 – 5 VCE Subjects

  • Acceleration program if nominated,e.g. Units 1 & 2 or a VET course in Year 10 and Units 3 & 4 in Year 11

  • VET courses (internally or externally)

  • Undertake a university unit in Year 12 as an accelerated Unit

  • Subjects not offered by СʪƵ can be completed by distance education, eg. languages

In addition to their subject choices, Year 11 and 12 students will continue to take part in the myBeing program.

All Senior Certificates consist of a two year course of study, however some students may choose to complete their studies over three years.

Students are encouraged to investigate and consider all options before making final choices. Parents, learning mentors, house leaders, subject teachers and other students can offer valuable perspectives and assist in making informed decisions.

The СʪƵ Pathways Team can provide information about Higher Education requirements. This includes information about prerequisites for future study and work.

For more information about senior pathway options please navigate your way through the Assumption Careers page:

VCE = Victorian Certificate of Education

VCE-VM = Vocational Major

VPC = Victorian Pathways Certificate

WRS = Work Related Skills

PDS = Personal Development Skills

VET = Vocational Education and Training

SBAT = School Based Apprenticeship and Training

VCAA =Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

VTAC = Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre

Agriculture and Horticultural Studies
Applied Computing
Art Creative Practice (Textiles)
Art Making and Exhibiting
Australian and Global Politics
Australian Politics
Business Management
Classical Studies
Data Analytics
English Language
Environmental Science
Extended Investigation
Food Studies
Global Politics
Health & Human Development
History: Empires
History: Revolutions
Legal Studies
Mathematics: Foundation
Mathematics: General
Mathematics: Methods
Mathematics: Specialist
Music Performance
Outdoor and Environmental Studies
Physical Education
Product Design and Technology (Metal)
Product Design and Technology (Wood)
Note: Students can only undertake one Product, Design and Technolgy course in Units 3 and 4.
Religion and Society
Systems Engineering
Texts and Traditions
Visual Communication

Units offered at СʪƵ

Units 1 and 2 (Year 11)
Units 3 and 4 (Year 12)
The following VET subjects are studied off campus every Wednesday.
Allied Health*
Building and Construction
Design Fundamentals
Information Technology:
Game Development
Electro Technology
Equine Studies*
Salon Assistant
Film and Visual Effects Foundation
Early Childhood Education and Care
Education Support
The following VET subjects are offered at СʪƵ and studied within the timetable like other subjects.
Sport and
The following VET subjects are studied at СʪƵ every Wednesday.
Animal Care

* Scored VCE/VET course (complete external exams in second year).

Students looking to undertake a VET subject will need to sit a basic literacy and numeracy test to assess their capabilities for VET studies.

If a student would like to undertake a VET course that is not listed here, please contact the Pathways Team.

For more general information about VET please visit the Assumption Careers page

Click here to view the application process for VET Subjects

Applied Learning

  • Focuses on learning and applying the skills and knowledge students need to solve a problem, implement a project or participate in the workforce

  • Involves students and their teachers in partnership and connection with organisations and individuals outside school

  • Is concerned with nurturing and working with students in a holistic manner, which takes into account their personal strengths, interests, goals and previous experiences, and

  • Emphasises the relevance of what is being learnt to the ‘real world’ outside the classroom

Those considering VCE-VM are students who:

  • are seeking a vocational pathway on completion of school

  • learn best where learning is practical, experimental, “hands-on” or “applied” like to work on an individual program that suits their needs or interests

  • are organised and can work both independently and in groups

VM Subjects

Students enrolled in VCE Vocational Major will complete the following subjects:

  • VCE-VM Literacy/VCE English

  • VCE-VM Numeracy/VCE Maths

  • Personal Development Skills (PDS)

  • Work Related Skills (WRS)


  • VCE subject

School Based Traineeships:

It is possible to complete a traineeship while you are still at school. In a school based traineeship, you complete your traineeship in addition to completing the VCE or VCE-VM.

You would normally work with your host employer for approximately 8 hours per week, plus some time in the school holidays.

As a school based trainee each student receives:

  • a headstart into the world of work

  • accredited training

  • ongoing advice and support

  • a training wage

  • a nationally recognised qualification

School Based Apprenticeships:

It is possible to complete part of an apprenticeship while you are still at school. Working as a school based apprentice, you complete part of your apprenticeship while you work at completing either the VCE or VCE-VM.

A school-based apprentice will normally receive between 6-12 months off a full time apprenticeship after working approximately 2 years with their SBAT employer.

Each apprentice would typically work with their host employer for between 6-8 hours per week, plus some time in the school holidays. Each school based apprentice receives:

  • a headstart into the world of work and the possibility of full time employment at the end of their SBAT.

  • accredited training

  • ongoing advice and support

  • a training wage

  • a nationally recognised qualification

Assumption Shield
Learning at Assumption
Learning Domain Guide
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