Physical EducationhumanitiesLanguagesmathematicsPerforming
The myMAP subjects below link to VCE subjects related to the learning domain of Religious Education. Students choose the options that are best for them. There are no pre-requisites for entry into VCE.
The students can select to study these in any order but they are encouraged to select subjects in order of difficulty across the myMAP years (from sandstone, white, yellow, light blue to dark blue). From the map below there are specific directions which need to be considered when choosing your subjects. These are:
myMAP 1, 2, 3, & 4 (Year 7 to 10) one elective per year chosen and will be studied in either Semester 1 or 2 depending on the timetable chosen.
Students have the ability to complete VCE units 1 and 2 (of either VCE subjects) in Year 10.
Students in Year 11 and 12 are encouraged to undertake a RE subject.

As an important component to RE subject content, education of Indigenous culture will be addressed specifically in all RE Sandstone subjects. Specifically, Aboriginal spirituality will be taught through a local lens of the Tungarung people. Three lessons per cycle will be devoted to covering content on Aboriginal spirituality which is the belief that all objects are living and share the same soul or spirit that Aboriginals share. It is hoped that this will increase student awareness about the social justice issues surrounding our Indigenous Australians.